I started my broadcasting career in Radio, my first love. I had over 15 jobs in the first 17 years or so! I couldn’t keep a job!
My lifetime goal was to work at the radio station I listened to when in high school. I made it in 3 years. This is me on WHK-FM (WMMS) in Cleveland, Ohio. I also did weekends on WHK-AM. The year was 1968.
Some air checks (recordings) of my shows on the radio.
This is me on the morning show on Bob Hope’s WBMJ in San Juan Puerto Rico.
Here, I’m doing the weather following the CBS News on WILS-AM in Lansing. WILS-AM at this time was an adult, big band, “Music of Your Life” type of station so the announcing was kind of subdued. About 1982.
Here are two air-checks of me on the radio during my time in Battle Creek, Michigan on Keener Radio, WKFR AM & FM. And later WKNR - Keener 14. Once owned by WKNR in Detroit. This was about 1973 or so.
They were sent to me by Fred Bunzl an Englishman and between about 1968-1973 he was a committee member in the "Campaign For Independent Broadcasting", a listener action group of volunteers lobbying at parliamentary level for the end of monopoly radio in the UK. He sent me a request asking for some recordings of our station and an explanation on how we program it. I answered him, by sending an audio explanation of what we were doing and the two air-checks of my show. Here it is as posted on his web-site.
Here are three air checks from WMMS. Notice the weather forecasts, temps in the 30's. The promotion of our concerts: Steppenwolfe and Arlo Guthrie on the same stage! Another concert we did, you'll hear on the recordings is of Janice Joplin and the Holding Company on stage with Country Joe and the Fish! Tickets 4 dollars! This was 1969!
Also one of the air-checks was recorded on my 25th birthday.