Celebrating man’s greatest scientific achievement, the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, man on the moon, I thought I would re-print an excerpt from my book “It Just Wasn’t Perfect For Me.” When Neil Armstrong and later Buzz Aldrin stepped foot on the moon, Ruth and I were married for about a month, I was trying to get started in a career in Broadcasting, so never in a million years would I have thought that some day I would meet these American Heros.
From Chapter 35 “An Arizona Morning.”
“One of the most historic days in the history of the United States, and in the world, was on July 20th, 1969. Neil Armstrong was about to step foot on the moon. At the time Ruth and I are hunkered down in our apartment on Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe, Ohio, I’m holding my breath. What an event. Neil Armstrong is walking on the moon! Fast forward about 20 years or so. I’m in the studio at channel 10 and I’m talking with Neil Armstrong! And do you know, he was so gracious, he actually asked me questions about the weather! I think to calm me down because I was in shock! I could hardly breathe! A true American Hero, what a man.
I’m on a cruise ship, the Grand Princess, in New York City. I’m there to do our morning show live, and I’m standing face to face with Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, and we’re doing a live interview. “Do you find it strange that we have more computing power in our lap-tops today than you had in the entire Apollo Program at the time?” I asked. “No, we had what it took to get the job done.” He replied. Tough, no-nonsense guy. I think we hit it off pretty well. “